We are so excited to encourage others in Raising Households that Serve the Lord. Which means in everything we do we strive to do it all for the Glory of God.
In our Raising Rice's Academy, we are dedicated to finding and teaching resources that SUPPORT your family's journey. Make sure to Subscribe to our Academy to stay up to date with new resources when they become available.
We are Darren and Marissa Rice. Since getting married in 2010 we have felt a calling to encourage, teach, lead and inspire others on their walk with Christ. We have been blessed with 5 BEAUTIFUL kiddos, since becoming parents we have felt the enormous responsibility and privilege in raising them. Our passion is to walk alongside others on this faithful and intentional journey of parenthood, knowing that the path we have chosen to walk is not without hardship, but the reward will be great!
Artisan Bread Course
You will LOVE our artisan bread course! Our desire is to support the family mealtime, and this course allows you to do homemade with ease! We will show you how to take .80 cent and turn it into a family favorite!
We have been diligently working on the completion of our HOMESCHOOLING 101 COURSE!! So many times, friends have sat on our couch and spoke of their desire to homeschool but just simply don't know where to start. Out of the need and passion of ours to support those families we have created this amazing course that will answer all of your questions on how to get started!
6 Week Hymn Devotional
There is so much beauty in the traditional hymns. We have received so much enjoyment in learning the historical nature of the composters and the influences that helped them create these masterpieces. These hymns have given our family a great way to memorize, and conversate about theological themes in the Bible. We are excited to give you the same resources and tools to teach your kids!
Thank you for running the race with us!
We are not naive to think that this race of life is going to NEED community and we are excited to have your join us! LETS GO!
Featured Products
Check out our courses that have been published! Also Make sure to keep in touch for upcoming courses/